Call of the Void Web Compendium

A One Session Cosmic Horror TTRPG

What is Call of the Void?

Call of the Void (CotV) is a tabletop roleplay game system that specializes in telling short and self contained collaborative stories about hope, survival, and cosmic horror. The game features setting agnostic rules that allow for stories to take place in any world and any time. Players will engage in systems like Hope and Connections that encourage narrative through gameplay, and the Envoy will weave the tale and trials the characters go through while tempting to answer The Call. The system is designed to take place in a single session, much like the short horror stories that inspired it.

What is this Site for?

The Call of the Void Web Compendium exists to display all the rules of the game in an accessible manner. It also features a Learn to Play tab so that new players and game masters have an easy way to learn the rules of the game.